
Destiny 2: Forsaken (PS4) Review

Dave dives back into the latest Destiny 2 expansion in his latest review.

7 Good

Destiny 2 (PS4) Review

Drew returns to his Destiny in his latest review.

8.5 Great

Destiny: Rise of Iron (PS4) Review

Dave returns to his addiction to see how Destiny has changed.

6 Decent

Destiny: The Taken King (PS4) Review

Dave continues to feed his addiction.

9.5 Excellent

Destiny (PS4) Review

Bungie's next series is here, but how does it stack up?

7.5 Good

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Review

Ten years ago, long time PC software developer Microsoft decided to make a bold move and venture in the video game market. Knowing they had a steep upward battle ahead, because of Sonyâ€â„...