Life is Strange: Episode 5 – Polarized (XB1) Review

A satisfying finale to an amazing game.

After the cliffhanger that was the ending to episode four, Life is Strange seemed to be going in the direction of non-stop until the end. While that is true in some aspects in episode five, there are plenty of times for reflection, and stopping points that really drive home the choices players have made throughout Max Caulfield’s dangerous, emotional ride. No spoilers here, I swear.

Episode five has some rather harsh moments, both in context and in execution. While this is most certainly the end, there were many times I could take certain things in while still in the moment. At the same time, this episode does feel a bit more scripted than the other episodes, mainly due to it having to wrap up, and the fact that there is no episode coming after this so while my choices made here will affect that ending, it isn’t this long lasting appeal that will span another few hours of the game.


Platforms: PS4, XB1, PC, PS3, 360
MSRP: $4.99
Price I’d pay: $4.99

Many of Max’s abilities are tested here and going through different loopholes can be rather daunting when looking at the overall event, but in the end, it works out even if Max must go through some nightmarish scenarios while doing so. There are really some interesting things going on in this finale.

I do have to say, this is one stealth section in this episode I really didn’t care for. I can almost see why it is there, but it lasted a bit too long for my tastes and ending up me rewinding time over and over until I finally found the correct pattern. And as I say in every review, the mouths still don’t really match up to the dialog. Yes, I know I should be used to that by now, but I really love this game and seeing this takes me out of it just a bit.

The ending can be polarizing depending on the choices the player makes, but I felt the ending I got truly fit with the overall theme and story and I was highly satisfied with how it all came out. Granted, others can get a totally different ending, but there is one in particular that really drives it all home. Almost like it was how it was supposed to end.


I know most of these reviews come off a bit short and vague. There is a reason for that: I’m doing my best at avoiding any kind of spoilers for this game because of how much I recommend playing it. I can’t suggest this game enough. It was an amazing ride that truly came out of nowhere for me. I had known nothing of it the months leading up to the first episode releasing, and after playing through this journey, it is easily one of my favorite games of the year. The game has made me laugh, legitimately cry, and cheer for Max and Chloe. That is something not any game can do. Without a doubt, Life is Strange is a game I believe everyone should experience.

This final episode does some really interesting things, wraps up everything in an emotional way, and leaves me thinking about it even hours after seeing the final scene. If you haven’t played through this game yet, do yourself a favor and do it. Hopefully, you’ll feel the way I have throughout this adventure.

Review copy of game provided by publisher.

  • Amazing story
  • Good wrap up
  • Great voice acting
  • Interesting and powerful scenes
  • One tedious stealth section
  • Mouths and dialog don’t match
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Drew is the Community Manager here at ZTGD and his accent simply woos the ladies. His rage is only surpassed by the great one himself and no one should stand between him and his Twizzlers.