Author: Michael Futter

Mike is the Reviews Editor and former Community Manager for this fine, digital establishment. You can find him crawling through dungeons, cruising the galaxy in the Normandy, and geeking it out around a gaming table.

LIMBO Review

It’s been a little over a year since Limbo launched to enormous critical acclaim on the XBox Live Marketplace. Now, the game-meets-art title is coming to the PC and the PSN...

Marvin’s Maze Review

Oh, Marvin. You’ve got a horrible name for a hero, you look like Q-Bert without his nose and, if I said these things to you, you’d probably burn me with your laser be...[Read More]

Sasuke vs. Commander Review

SNK has done a deep dive into their library, releasing 8 different titles as Playstation Minis. There are a couple of gems on the list, but Sasuke vs Commander is not one of them.

Guerilla War Review

Guerrilla War is a game that suffered a bit in its travels from Japan to the United States. In its original release, the two guerrillas controlled by players were named...

Ozma Wars Review

When Ozma Wars was released by Shin Nihon Kikaku (that's SNK before it was SNK), I was a scant 10 months old. Prior to its incarnation as a Playstation Mini...

From Dust Review

I recall sitting in a middle school English class, learning about conflict. We were tasked with thinking about the different stories we had read and how each was influenced...

Astro Gaming – Buyer Beware

Let me start off by saying that this piece is a significant deviation from our norm. I’m writing this in response to over a month of frustration and poor service which, while not terribly remarkable i...[Read More]

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Review

As those who listen to the N4G Podcast know, I am a tabletop gamer as well as a video gamer. I’ve dabbled in collectible games, including Magic: the Gathering, Heroclix and, most rece...[Read More]