The streets are filled with rage again, this time in 3D.

The streets were once filled with crime, but a young group stood up against it and defended the city. Now the terrible Mr. X, who they thought was defeated, has returned and kidnapped their friend. There is only one thing you can do – grab some gloves, your 3DS, and jump back into the streets!

Streets of Rage 2 was a follow up to the classic first game in the franchise, featuring better visuals and more characters to choose from. This was a better game in a multitude of ways. Characters looked more detailed, had more moves, and fought in a bigger variation of levels. Streets of Rage 2 is an all-time classic for a lot of adults who grew up playing Sega games.

MSRP: $5.99
Price I’d Pay: $5.99
Multiplayer: Local Co-Op
How long to beat: One hour

Gameplay for those unaware is simple. Players select a character, defeat lots of thugs and bad guys until reaching the end, facing off against a boss. Weapons are picked up along the way, like pipes and knives, and food is found as well, which players will need to regen their health from the ass kicking they receive.

For the 3DS version, the game couldn’t look better. Very crisp and colorful, and running extremely smooth. The 3D effect looks nice, and can be either depth 3d or pop out. Both work really well, and it’s nice to have the options. The best two new features are the casual mode, which has enemies dying once they hit the ground, or the rage relay mode that enables players to use all 4 characters in one play through, which gives some great variety as you die and switch to another character.

Streets of Rage 2 3DS has everything going for it as a downloadable retro game. Taking good use of the 3D effect, decent new modes, and offering players one of the best ways to play Streets of Rage 2 on the go, if you’re a fan, I don’t see how you could resist this brawl.

Review copy of game provided by publisher.

  • Classic arcade action
  • 3D works well
  • New modes
  • Crisp visuals
  • Short length
  • Repetition can set in
Written by
Justin is a long time passionate fan of games, not gaming drama. He loves anything horror related, archaeology inspired adventures, RPG goodness, Dr Pepper, and of course his family. When it comes to crunch time, he is a beast, yet rabies free we promise.